
Project office

The SAVE project office in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is responsible for the conception and implementation of specific SAVE projects. Wherever possible, the projects are carried out together with SAVE partners. There is also close cooperation with scientific organizations and institutions in Europe. 


Martin Arnold
Managing Director

Martin Arnold is a journalist (MAZ) and co-owner of a press office internationally active. His work focuses on environmental issues and topics concerning the Alps. He is author or co-author of numerous books. Since XNUMX, Martin Arnold has been the managing director of the „Association for the Promotion of the SAVE Foundation Switzerland“, which is an organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
Since 2014, Martin Arnold has been the managing director of the „Association for the Promotion of the SAVE Foundation Switzerland“, which is an organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.

Dr. Bettina Müller
Project Director

Dr. Bettina Müller is a biologist with a Master of Science FHO in Engineering. She has worked in both scientific and technical fields, coordinating and leading various projects. Since October 2022, Bettina has been working part-time as a Project Director for the Association for the Promotion of the SAVE Foundation Switzerland. 

Waldtraud Kugler
Wild Fruit Commissioner

Waltraud Kugler is a graduated geographer and landscape ecologist. As Program Coordinator, she leaded the Programmes of SAVE Foundation from 1994 to 2000. In November 2000, she changed to the Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Cultural Plants in St. Gallen, where she worked until the end of 2010 when the Monitoring Institute merged with the SAVE Project Office. Until the end of 2022, she led the project office, and since then, she has been in charge of the Wild Fruit Project.

Postal Address

SAVE Foundation Project Office
Neugasse 30
9000 St.Gallen

41 (0) 71 2227410


Network office

The SAVE Network Office in Wageningen, the Netherlands, serves as a hub for connecting SAVE partners through active information sharing and exchange. It gathers current information on European projects and programs and organizes the annual SAVE meetings in collaboration with local partners.


Nonja Remijn

Nonja Remijn is project manager of SZH and responsible for networking of the SAVE partners at the SZH office in Wageningen.

Geert Boink
The responsible authority for animals (SZH)

Postal Address

SAVE Network Office
Building De Valk
Dreijenlaan 2
6703 HA Wageningen


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