SWIFCOB 23 «Biodiversität erhalten in Krisenzeiten»

UniS Bern, Schweiz

Die Sorge um drohende Engpässe bei der Versorgung mit Rohstoffen, Nahrungsmitteln und Energie, verstärkt durch den Krieg in der Ukraine, führt aktuell zu einer Flut von Vorschlägen für Massnahmen, welche den Druck auf die Natur erhöhen. Die langfristigen Konsequenzen dieser Massnahmen auf Arten, Lebensräume und die Funktionsweise der Ökosysteme sind kaum abschätzbar. Wie kann es …

SWIFCOB 23 «Biodiversität erhalten in Krisenzeiten» Weiterlesen »

Seed Gathering 2023

The Seed Gathering will take place online to allow for international speakers and ensure the event is accessible and affordable. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite, and all details on how to set up on the event platform, Crowdcast, will be sent on in advance. This is a weekend for celebrating the seeds we work …

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EU CAP Network workshop ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’

Bologna , Italien

The workshop will focus on exchanging knowledge and sharing innovative, inspirational practices and approaches that support farmers to adapt to changing weather patterns. The  workshop ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’ will take place in Bologna, Italy on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March 2023.  

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the EFCF

The EFCF purpose is: to promote the interests and mutual co-operation of Kinderboerderijen, Jeugdboerderijen, Gezinsboerderijen, Fermes d'Enfants, Fermes d'Animation, Jugendfarmen, Aktivspielplatze, City Farms, 4H-Farms or similar organizations that actively promote the equal access and involvement of children, young people and adults through practical experience in a wide range of educational, environmental, recreational, social and economic …

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the EFCF Weiterlesen »

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